Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Bell’s Inequality is not relevant to Quantum Mechanics and Optical Polarizers

Bell’s Inequality or much ado about nothing. Much has been said about how quantum mechanics and optical polarizers violate Bell’s Inequality. It’s supposed to be mystical and profound. Well, I have trouble getting excited about this. Bell’s Inequality is about set theory and Venn diagrams. Polarizers are governed by physical theory that predicts how much light gets through any combination of rotated filters. Just because polarizers are round and look like Venn diagrams doesn’t mean that they are a Venn diagram. If polarizers were just empty rings that violate the inequality then I’d worry. But they are glass filters that affect light directly. We should not expect them to obey Bell’s Inequality any more than thin slices of a cannoli.

Monday, October 7, 2019

My Voice from My Past

Do you keep a log of your mind? This is from an early log of my thinking on the red shift. Note the date. Definitely before BLOG.

"Is the red shift explainable by other facts than those related to velocity of the source? Of course. Light travels in great circles through space. These circles give light an angular velocity depending upon distance between receiver and emitter. In traveling in this manner, light also has centripetal acceleration towards the center of its great circle route. This Great circle acceleration manifests itself as a change in (a shift) in the wavelength which makes it appear as if the emitter is traveling away from the receiver at a velocity proportional to the red shift." 04/27/1966

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Prime Twin Conjecture - Proven!

The Prime Twin Conjecture has been proven! Yes, and I did it!

It was the furthest thing from my mind this summer until August rolled around and a Numberphile video got me thinking about something I started when I was in my 20s. And this is what I came up with after two months of being obsessed by the problem. This is the first page of the 5 page proof.

Check out my 5 page book on Amazon.

http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07YNZ7NDT/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_eb_aKQLDb9X6NPS1 via @amazon